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62. Sleep In or Get Up? 睡觉还是起床?


They drove to the park. They got in line. Many cars were in front of them. They should have gotten up earlier. "We should have gotten up earlier," said Mom. "I know," said Dad, "We should not have slept in." "I know," said Mom, "But sometimes it's nice to sleep in, especially on the weekend. Weekends are for sleeping in." The line moved slowly. Finally they were at the front of the line. "I'm sorry," said the park ranger. "We're closed." "What?" said Dad, "It's not even noon. How can you be closed?" The ranger said the parking lot was full. There was no place to park. He said to come back tomorrow. "Don't sleep in," said the ranger. "The early bird gets the worm."

上一篇: 61. Visit the Park 参观公园
下一篇: 63. Where Did She Go? 她去哪儿了?