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91. The World Map 世界地图


Jerry was looking at a map. It was a map of the world. The map showed many countries. It showed all the countries in the world. All the countries were different colors. There were red countries, green countries, and blue countries. Jerry pointed at one country. "Daddy, why is this country red? Is it on fire? Did someone paint the ground red? Does it have a lot of tomatoes?" Jerry pointed at another country. It was a green country. "Daddy, why is this country green? Does it have a lot of grass? Did someone paint the ground green?" Jerry pointed at another country. It was a blue country. "Daddy, why is this country blue? Is it full of blue water? Does it have a lot of bluebirds? Did someone paint the ground blue?" His daddy said, "No, the colors make the map pretty. They don't mean anything."

上一篇: 90. He Will Go to Heaven 他将上天堂
下一篇: 92. School Fight 学校打架