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9. The Easter Egg Hunt 寻找复活节彩蛋


Samantha is going to an Easter egg hunt. Tracey is going to an Easter egg hunt. The Easter egg hunt is at Sydney’s house. It is going to be fun. Sydney’s mom hid chocolate eggs. Sydney’s mom hid chocolate bunnies. Everybody is here. Everybody has an Easter basket. The Easter egg hunt can start. Everybody must close their eyes. One, two, three, go! Samantha finds an Easter egg. The Easter egg is behind a table. She puts it in her basket. Tracey finds a chocolate Easter bunny. It’s under the couch. Tracey puts in her basket. Sydney finds a chocolate Easter bunny too. It’s in front of the television. She puts in her basket. Everybody finds lots of chocolate. Everybody shares their chocolate. Samantha, Tracey, and Sydney love Easter.

上一篇: 8. Mark's Big Game 马克的大游戏
下一篇: 10. Joe's First Car 乔的第一辆车