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125. My Job 我的工作


I work at a conservation park called Ball's Falls. I've only worked there for three weeks now. I am a Tour Guide, and I tell people the history of all the old buildings there. Somebody told me that one of the houses I work in is haunted. Now I get chills every time I walk into that house! My boss told me that the stories aren't real, but I have an active imagination! Ball's Falls is very beautiful. It has two different water falls, the Upper Falls and the Lower Falls. There used to be tons of water cascading over them, which turned a big water wheel to grind grain. However, through the years the amount of water has really lessened. I love working at Ball's Falls because I get to work outside a lot. I am getting a tan! In July and August, I will be working with kids there at a day camp. I am getting ready now, making different crafts and thinking up fun new games to play. I can't wait to start working with them. I think that will be the best part of the summer. I will be going to work again tomorrow. I usually have to work from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I also like the people I work with. They are very nice. Come to Ball's Falls, and I'll give you a tour!

上一篇: 124. First Trip Away From Home 首次离家出游
下一篇: 126. My Hobby 我的嗜好