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400 Common English Phrases and Sentences – Lesson 7 常见英语短语和句子–第7课


245、How long will I have to wait? 246、How long will it be? 247、Where would you like to go? 248、Could you take me to the city centre? 249、Could you pick me up here at 6 o’clock. 250、Could you wait for me here? 251、What time’s the next bus to Camden? 252、When will you be coming back? 253、Do you mind if I open the window? 254、I feel seasick. 255、Can you recommend any good hotel? 256、How many stars does it have? 257、How much do you want to pay? 258、Do you have any vacancies? 259、What sort of room would you like? 260、I’d like a double room. 261、Can you offer me any discount? 262、Could I see the room? 263、Where are the lifts? 264、I’d like to check out. 265、I’d like to pay my bill, please. 266、How would you like to pay? 267、I’ll pay in cash. 268、Shall we go for a drink? 269、Let’s eat out tonight. 270、What can I get you? 271、Could we see a menu, please? 272、Do you have any hot food? 273、Eat in or take-away? 274、Do you have internet access here? 275、Was everything alright? 276、Could I try this on? 277、Do you want to try it on? 278、What size are you? 279、What size do you take? 280、I take a size 10. 281、Where’s the fitting room? 282、Is that a good fit? 283、It’s a little too small. 284、It’s just right.

上一篇: 400 Common English Phrases and Sentences – Lesson 6 常见英语短语和句子-第6课
下一篇: 400 Common English Phrases and Sentences – Lesson 8 常见英语短语和句子-第8课