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365 Basic English Sentences – Unit 07 基本英语句子–第07单元


126、I'll keep my eyes open. 127、I'll keep that in mind. 128、I'll pick up the tab. 129、I'll play it by ear. 130、I'll see what I can do. 131、I'll show you. 132、I'll take care of it. 133、I'll take it. 134、I'll take your advice. 135、I'll think it over. 136、I'll treat you to diner. 137、I'll walk you to the door. 138、I'm broke. 139、I'm crazy about English. 140、I'm easy to please. 141、I'm glad to hear that. 142、I'm glad you enjoyed it. 143、I'm good at it. 144、I'm in a good mood. 145、I'm in good shape. 146、I'm just having a look. 147、I'm looking for a part-time job. 148、I'm looking forward to it.

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