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Lesson 8: Delights And Surprises. 第8课:快乐和惊喜


106、Oh, it’s wonderful. 107、Really? 108、This is such a surprise! 109、Wow, I’m so happy! 110、Can you believe what our teacher did today? 111、This comes as a surprise. 112、The best thing happened to me today. 113、This is better than expected. 114、How delightful! 115、This is incredible. 116、I can’t believe how good this is. 117、This is terrific. 118、That’s fantastic. 119、Well, this is a nice surprise. 120、I’m delighted to see you.

上一篇: Lesson 7: Hopes And Desires. 第7课:希望和欲望
下一篇: Lesson 9: ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS. 第9课:建议和建议