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Lesson 32. MAKING APPOINTMENTS. 第32课:预约


466、I need to make an appointment. 467、How about sometime next week? 468、That should be fine. 469、I’ll set it up. 470、I wanted to set up a time to meet with you. 471、When would be a good time to get together? 472、Are you free later this week? 473、When can I talk to you? 474、What are you doing next Thursday? 475、Do you want to talk about this some other time? 476、I want to make a reservation for next Friday. 477、I can come in tomorrow. 478、Can you come in the afternoon? 479、Do you have any time available this week? 480、When is your next opening?

上一篇: Lesson 31. MAKING A PHONE CALL. 第31课:打电话
下一篇: Lesson 33. TALKING ABOUT DAILY ACTIVITIES. 第33课:谈论日常活动