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Lesson 50. AT THE POLICE STATION. 第50课:在警察局


740、My client has made some very convincing allegations of police brutality . 741、He claims that your officers assaulted him. 742、Do you have any proof of these claims? 743、You’ll be hearing from me soon. 744、I need to file a missing person’s report. 745、Arrests have declined this month. 746、Can you identify the suspect? 747、He resisted arrest violently . 748、I want to call my lawyer. 749、We just have a few questions for you. 750、The officer was very helpful to me. 751、Are you sure the suspect fired more than once? 752、That area is out of our jurisdiction. 753、This is the busiest precinct in the city. 754、I need your signature on this report.

上一篇: Lesson 49. IN THE BARBER’S AND HAIRDRESSER’S. 第49课:在酒吧和发型店
下一篇: Lesson 51. AT THE HOTEL. 第51课:在酒店