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Lesson 7: Net Surfing 第7课:网上冲浪


92、I need to download some lessons for class. 93、My connection is too slow. 94、I’ll get off in a couple of minutes. 95、This internet bar is too expensive. 96、I need to go to a news website. 97、One of my friends has its own website. 98、What is your e-mail address? 99、Do you have e-mail? 100、My server is having problems this morning. 101、It is difficult to get some foreign websites in China. 102、You can find a lot of information on the internet that is free. 103、What are you doing on the internet that takes so long? 104、Sometimes I just like surfing the net. 105、There are many things on the internet that are inappropriate for a boy your age. 106、Well, the internet is becoming available all over the world. People are using it for business, education and just for fun.

上一篇: Lesson 6: House Hunting 第六课:找房子
下一篇: Lesson 8: Sports 第8课:体育