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Lesson 38: Sorrow 第38课:悲伤


559、I’m so sorry this has happened to you. 560、I can’t deal with this right now. 561、This is awful. 562、Are you crying? 563、I’ll be okay in a moment. 564、I miss my wife. 565、These pictures make me sad. 566、He’s still grieving for her. 567、She hasn’t gotten over the death of her child. 568、I just don’t feel like talking about it. 569、Why are you so upset? 570、I feel like my heart is breaking. 571、I’m not in the mood to talk right now. 572、I’m really upset right now and I think I’d rather be alone. 573、In these cases, time to heal is the only thing that can help.

上一篇: Lesson 37: Flattery 第37课:奉承
下一篇: Lesson 39: Jealousy 第39课:嫉妒