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Lesson 41: Unforgettable Experiences 第41课:难忘的经历


604、I once met the president. 605、Swimming with dolphins was unforgettable. 606、I almost drowned when I was a boy. 607、Last year I went to the Great Wall. 608、I’ll never forget the day I met my husband. 609、This is the most memorable day of my life. 610、You only graduate from college once. 611、Ester is a truly unforgettable person. 612、How can I forget the day my child was born? 613、I can’t forget how much you have done for me. 614、The one thing that I will never forget is swimming with the dolphins. 615、It was an unbelievable experience. 616、I made sure that I took lots of pictures so I can always remember my trip. 617、I wanted to capture every last detail. 618、I want to be able to share this memorable experience with everyone I care about.

上一篇: Lesson 40: Fear 第40课:恐惧
下一篇: Lesson 42: Sweet Memories 第42课:甜蜜回忆