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7. Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?

[intro] Below are some useful sentences you can use when talking about English:】下面是一些你在谈论英语时可以使用的有用句子:

Can you speak English? How long have you been learning English? Could you speak up a little, please? Could you please say that again? Could you please repeat that? Would you mind spelling that for me? How do you pronounce this word? What do you mean by this? I’m sorry, what do you mean? What is this thing called in English? How many languages can you speak? I speak a little English. I can speak English very well. Your English is excellent. I wish I could speak English fluently like you. Please speak slowly. Please repeat what you said. I’m afraid to speak English. Sorry, my English is not quite good. How often do you speak English? I can read English very well, but I can’t speak. I would like to improve my English speaking. You have good pronunciation.

上一篇: 6. Talking About Time 谈论时间
下一篇: 8. Giving Compliments in English 用英语致意