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30. Talking About Feelings in English 谈英语中的情感

[intro] To ask someone about their feelings or express your feelings, you can use following English phrases and expressions:]要询问某人的感受或表达你的感受,你可以使用以下英语短语和表达方式:

Asking about Feelings:  How are you feeling?  Are you Ok?  Is everything alright?  What’s wrong?  What’s the matter?  Do you want to talk about it? Expressing Feelings:  I’m very happy right now.  I don’t think I can be any happier right now.  I feel a little sad.  It’s been a difficult day.  He made her very angry.  I ‘ve been in a bad mood all day.  I’m mad at his behavior.  I feel very depressed today.  You seem a little blue today.  I’ve got a headache and I feel terrible.

上一篇: 29. Expressing Cause and Effect in English 用英语表达因果关系
下一篇: 31. Making and Answering A Phone Call in English 用英语拨打和接听电话