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40. Expressing Indifference in English 用英语表达冷漠

[intro] If you have no interest or concern about something, you can use below phrases and expressions to express your indifference:】如果你对某事不感兴趣或不关心,你可以使用以下短语和表达方式来表达你的冷漠:

 Who cares!  I don’t care!  I don’t mind.  I don’t mind whatever you do.  It makes no difference to me.  Do what you like. I don’t care.  It doesn’t matter to me.  So what?  It’s all the same to me.  Why should I care?  It’s your decision.  I wouldn’t mind.  Do as you like.  Whatever you want.  You can say whatever you like.  I couldn’t care less.

上一篇: 39. Expressing Obligation in English 用英语表达义务
下一篇: 41. Interrupting People in English 用英语打断别人