首页 / 听力 / 100 Common English Phrases and Sentence Patterns (With Dialogue) 100种常见的英语短语和句子模式(带对话)

19. He is as… as… 他和…一样…


I. EXAMPLES: He is as poor as a church mouse. He is as fit as a fiddle though he is already seventy. Shelly’s father is always as busy as a bee. The twin sisters are as different as night and day. The lecture is as dull as ditch-water. II. DIALOGUES: A: Have you seen him run in a race? B: Yes. He’s as fast as the wind when he runs. A: But he’s not too good when it comes to studying. B: One of my friends said he’s as dumb as a post. A: That’s not a nice thing to say. B: Maybe it’s not nice, but it’s true.

上一篇: 18. Not…until… 不…直到…
下一篇: 20. He is either…or… 他不是…就是…