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34. Waiting for a Friend in the Cold 在寒冷中等待朋友


It was a cold day. The wind was blowing. He was in his car. He was waiting for his friend. His whole body was shivering. He turned on the car's heater. It started heating the car. Suddenly, it stopped. He turned it on again, but the heater turned off again. It had stopped working. He was really cold. He had a sweater on. But it was not enough. He forgot to wear his jacket. "How could I warm myself?" he thought to himself. He remembered he had something in his trunk. He opened the car door and stepped out. It was even colder outside his car. There was no one outside. He opened his car trunk. There was a jacket. The jacket was old and smelly. He did not care. It was so cold. He put on the jacket. He went back inside his car. His friend finally arrived.

上一篇: 33. Old Man Crosses the Street 老人过马路
下一篇: 35. Shopping at the Mall 在购物中心购物