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50. Late to Work 上班迟到


He woke up late. His alarm rang, but he did not hear it. He was late for work. He jumped out of bed. "I am so late," he said. He ran to the restroom. He quickly brushed his teeth. He hopped in the shower. He took a five-minute shower. He dried his body. He quickly shaved. He cut himself. He shaved too fast. He was not careful. He washed his cut. He covered it with a band-aid. He ran to his closet. He grabbed his suit. He ironed it fast. He put on his suit. The suit still had wrinkles. He got in his car and drove away. There was traffic on the road. He honked his horn. He arrived at his company. He was one hour late.

上一篇: 49. He Likes Her (2) 他喜欢她
下一篇: 51. Late to School 上学迟到