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2. Sweaters from Grandma 奶奶的毛衣


Steven loved almost everything about his grandma. There was only one thing he hated. She always knitted sweaters for him. Steven understood that she did it to be nice. However, all the sweaters were very ugly. Steven visited her once a week. She had a new sweater for him each time. Steven lived in a small apartment. There was no room for him to keep all the sweaters. He had to give all of them away. "Grandma will never find out," he thought. One day, Steven's grandma visited him by surprise. She asked to see his sweaters. "Someone stole all of them!" he said. "They were too nice." She made him ten more.

上一篇: 1. Meeting the Guys 认识那些家伙
下一篇: 3. Big Hair 大头发