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29. The Baby Blanket 婴儿毯


Betty Scott got big news. Her only son was going to have a baby. "I'm finally going to be a grandma!" she thought. Betty was very excited. She couldn't wait for the baby to arrive. "I need to get the baby something special," Betty said. She decided to make a blanket. She would knit it herself. Betty was an elderly woman. Her hands weren't as strong as they used to be. They shook a lot and hurt often. Knitting was much harder than she remembered it. Still, Betty kept working on the blanket. "Anything for the baby," she thought. Betty struggled with the blanket for many months. She finished it right before the baby was born. It was the best present the baby ever got.

上一篇: 28. Time Capsule 时间胶囊
下一篇: 30. Speeding Ticket 超速罚单