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34. Surprise in the Ocean 海洋中的惊喜


Kimberly and Jason were surfing. They did this every weekend. They were far into the ocean. Suddenly, something touched Jason's foot. Jason froze. "Is something wrong?" asked Kimberly. "Don't move," Jason replied. "I think there's a shark under us." Kimberly panicked. She put goggles on. Then, she looked under the water. When she came back up, she had a big smile on her face. She was laughing very loud. "This isn't funny!" said Jason. Suddenly, a baby seal jumped onto Jason's surf board. Jason screamed and jumped into the water. He hid there for almost a minute. "That's the shark!" said Kimberly. Jason was very embarrassed.

上一篇: 33. Airplanes Are Safer Than Cars 飞机比汽车安全
下一篇: 35. The Big Fight 大战