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69. Boys Can Dance Too 男孩也会跳舞


Joey Campbell was 14 years old. He had three sisters and no brothers. His father loved playing sports with him. Joey did not mind this. However, all Joey was truly interested in doing was dancing. All his sisters were allowed to take ballet classes. Joey wanted to sign up, too. His father laughed at him. He thought he was joking. "You know you belong in the football team," said his father. This made Joey angry. It was not fair that he was not allowed to dance if he wanted to. His sisters agreed. They secretly taught Joey all the moves. On the day of their ballet recital, Joey danced with them. His father was very proud.

上一篇: 68. Knitting in the Summer 夏天编织
下一篇: 70. The Noisy Neighbors 吵闹的邻居