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92. Saying Goodbye 告别


Mitchell was moving to college. "Are you taking Buddy?" asked his mom. Buddy was his teddy bear. Mitchell did not know what to do. He loved Buddy. He had him since he was a baby. Buddy made him feel safe. Mitchell knew that he would be laughed at if he took Buddy with him. College men do not own teddy bears. It was time to say goodbye to Buddy. This broke Mitchell's heart. When the moving day came, he couldn't do it. Mitchell ran to his room and grabbed Buddy. He hid him in his suitcase. Then he hid him under his pillow at college. No one ever found out that Mitchell slept with a teddy bear.

上一篇: 91. Don't Forget the Rope 别忘了绳子
下一篇: 93. Learning to Swim 学习游泳