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20. Twins Are Cheating 双胞胎在作弊


Annie and Diana are identical twins. It is hard to tell them apart. Sometimes their best friends even get confused on who is who! One key difference between the two was their feet. Annie's foot has a mole on it, and Diana's does not. Annie and Diana sometimes disguise themselves as each other. Annie pretends to be Diana when Diana doesn't want to take math tests. Diana pretends to be Annie when Annie has to do the mile run in physical education class. They have been doing this for years. Annie and Diana's enemy, Scarlett, finds out what they have been doing. She tells their math and physical education teachers that they have been cheating all along. Mr. Thompson, the math teacher, gives them both an F. Ms. Nguyen, the physical education teacher gives them both an F, too. Annie and Diana are sad. Annie tries to explain that she gets out of breath easily when she runs. Diana tries to explain that math gives her anxiety. Mr. Thompson and Ms. Nguyen don't care. Annie and Diana no longer pretend to be each other anymore. After they got Fs, their parents forced them to move schools. The two schools were not that far apart, so they still got to see each other.

上一篇: 19. Secret Relationship 秘密关系
下一篇: 21. The Transformation 转变