2. The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers. 民兵们成功地伏击了入侵的敌军。
3. I'm not going to have you ambushing me, either physically or verbally. 我将没有你埋伏突袭我,也身体上地或口述地。
4. Spiders are notorious hunters, luring prey into their sticky webs or ambushing them from behind a leaf. 蜘蛛是名声在外的猎手了,它们要么在黏黏的蛛网上守株待兔,要么躲在叶子之类的东西后面搞十面埋伏。
5. Now with the Burning Legion gone, he lives his life attacking villages and ambushing his most hated enemy - the Night Elves. 在燃烧军团离去以后,他过着打家劫舍的日子,同时也伏击他最痛恨的敌人——暗夜精灵。