1. Prince Bagration asked of the artilleryman standing at the ammunition boxes. 巴格拉季翁公爵问一个站在炮弹箱旁边的炮兵士官。
2. General Giap, the Vietminh commander, has been compared to his own model, that other artilleryman, Napoleon. 越南指挥官武元甲将军曾被拿来和他的楷模炮兵将军拿破仑相提并论。
3. Or the rumors promised reward: every paratrooper (or combat infantry or artilleryman or medic or whatever) was going to get a free car from Henry Ford when the war was won. 或有谣传涉及利益回报:每员伞兵(或者步兵,或者炮兵、或者救护兵或者飞行员,或者流言涉及之任何人)于战胜之时可获亨利·福特派送轿车。