2. I hired a home-helper who cooks, cleans, shops, organizes, babysits, etc. 我曾聘用过一位家庭助手,帮助我做饭、清洁、购物、整理、照看孩子等。
3. My wife babysits for our young granddaughter Eliana during the school year while her mom teaches. 开学时,我们的儿媳妇要去教书,我的太太就帮忙照顾小孙女。
4. The family she babysits for hasn't been calling as much, and she couldn't find a job over the summer. 原来需要她照看孩子的那个家庭,现在不那么经常叫她了,她也在这个暑假无法找到一份新工作。
5. Two thirds those who took part in the poll said their own mother was the one person they could not do without, and one third of women said their mother babysits their kids while they are at work. 三分之二的受访者表示,最离不开的是自己母亲的帮助。另有三分之一的受访者表示,上班时由自己的母亲照看孩子。