1. It wasn't just the blue-collar workers who lost their jobs, it was everyone. 不只是蓝领工人失去了工作,而是每一个人。
2. He is rapidly losing the support of blue-collar voters and of middle-class conservatives. 他正在迅速失去蓝领选民和中产阶级保守人士的支持。
3. Are blue-collar workers at the university getting paid a decent wage? Are they compensated fairly? 大学里的蓝领工人是否得到了一份适当的工资?他们是否获得了应有的补偿?
4. The article stated that Dolly was an amorous type and that she liked burly, blue-collar kinds of men. 那篇文章说多莉属于多情的类型,而且她喜欢像蓝领工人一样结实的男人。
5. Its analysis has addressed how it lost—by alienating too many blue-collar voters, for example—rather than why. 分析已经表明了它是怎么落选的了——例如,疏远了太多的蓝领选民——而不是为什么落选了。