1. She blusters so much it's hard to believe her. 她尽说大话,叫人很难相信她。
2. Under you the gambling stake, the checkup gambling house, blusters, even enhances the chip. 你下赌注,核对牌局,虚张声势,甚至提高筹码。
3. Says these films will probably not the be block blusters blockbusters, with simple sequels and spin-offs on television. 表示随着结局和电视剧在电视播出后,这些电影通常不会一鸣惊人。
4. The wind picks up and blusters. Its fat underbelly scrapes the uneven ground, twisting like taffy toward me, slips up over the mountain, and showers out across the Great Plains. 风起了, 咆哮着,掠过起伏的地面,像太妃糖一样一扭一扭地走来,顺着山势爬过了山,俯冲,穿越广茂的平原。