1. She was a statuesque brunette. 她有着一头深褐色头发,身材高挑挺拔。
2. Was Mother blonde or brunette? 妈妈是金发还是深褐色头发?
3. Victoria Beckham showed off her new, shaggy hairstyle at the weekend which bears a striking resemblance to that of the brunette bombshell Sophia Loren. 维多利亚·贝克汉姆在周末展示了一款新的蓬松的发型,这款造型跟黑发美人索菲亚·罗兰的发型非常相似。
4. You want a blonde or a brunette? 你想要个金发女郎,还是个浅黑色皮肤的?
5. Suddenly, the brunette notices a dead bird. 突然,黑人女人发现了一只死去的小鸟。 “哦!