1. He is a fool who bungles consistently. 他是一个总把活儿做得很糟的傻瓜。
2. Together, they have stifled debate, covered up bungles and made assumptions about risks that were too optimistic. 他们联手压制争议,用拙略的手段掩盖真像,并在评估危险时过于乐观。
3. No sense of humour: things go wrong in life and at work. If you cannot laugh at the bungles, the journey is simply too painful. 毫无幽默感:生活和工作中难免会有不如意的事情。如果你不懂得在不如意的时候幽默地自嘲,那你的人生将会十分痛苦。
4. Knightley played Rose, a young girl who helps to nurse Oliver back to health after the urchin bungles a robbery on her benefactor. 奈特莉扮演Rose,一个在淘气的奥利弗抢劫她的恩人失败后照顾他使他恢复健康的年轻女孩。