1. Thanks. Byway, tell your wife she throwsgreat party. 多谢。还,请告诉尊夫人她办很成功宴会。
2. This bumpy, meandering byway is difficult to negotiate. 这条崎岖的羊肠小道非常难走。
3. I've planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway. 我计划了每条规划的路线,一路上每个小心的脚步。
4. The last skirt of our trip was to go through a scenic byway , and stopped at a beach. 本旅程最后一节目是经过一条风景幽美的小路往海滩走走。
5. The sea still serves as a byway, grocery, laundry, workplace, and playground for the local inhabitants, just as it has for centuries. 大海几个世纪以来一直成为当地居民的小道,杂货店,洗衣房,车间和运动场。