1. He was seen canoodling with his new girlfriend. 有人看到他与新女友搂抱亲热。
2. What you want is to be caught canoodling with a famous man with a super-talented ex-wife or girlfriend. 你要做的就是,当你和那些前妻或女友是超级巨星的男人亲热时,一定要被逮到。
3. In fact, in the premiere, we'll see him smiling, laughing, and canoodling on the beach with at-long-last ladylove Cuddy. 说明白些,在第七季首映集中,他不但会甜蜜微笑,开怀大笑,还跟他那纠结了不知道多久的前世冤家Cuddy在沙滩上头卿卿我我。
4. Fear that mentoring a female subordinate will automatically lead to suspicions of canoodling is, in certain cases, even shutting women out of job opportunities entirely. 有时候,害怕提到女下属会自动引起关于他们之间关系暧昧的猜疑,男老板甚至会完全拒绝招女性员工。