1. It was claimed she cavorted with a police sergeant in a Jacuzzi, but she denies this. 据称她曾和一位警佐在按摩浴缸里寻欢作乐,但她不承认。
2. Japan and China each sent new probes to the moon while others swung by planets as they cavorted across the solar system. 中国和日本各发射了一颗月球探测器,而其他一些国家也跃跃欲试,欲对太阳系的刹尕世界展开探索。
3. It cavorted with woolly mammoths and giant sloths and other Ice Age behemoths in Europe and Asia, starting about 2.5 million years ago. 在约二百五十万年前,长毛犀与长毛象、大树懒及其他冰河巨兽活跃在欧洲和亚洲的土地上。
4. Equity and commodity markets initially cavorted in response to signs that China, the world's only super-economy still going strong, was acting decisively to ensure things stayed that way. 这些迹象表明,中国这个全球唯一还保持着强劲增长的超级经济体,正果断采取行动,以确保这种形势的继续。起初,股票市场和大宗商品市场为此上演了涨升行情。