1. He desired to follow that girl, but longed for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned and supported him. 他十分想跟着这位女孩,但渴望这位曾经精神上陪伴并支持他的女人。
2. In the cartoon, Nobita finally grows up and steps out status of being dependent on and companioned by Doraemon. 在动漫中,大雄最终慢慢长大,离开了依靠哆啦a梦、习惯有他陪伴的阶段。
3. But the glory given or received of men is short lived, and the glory of the world is ever companioned by sorrow. 但人所给予的或所领受的光荣都很短暂,世间光荣往往与愁苦相伴。
4. I felt as though I was split in two, so keen was my desire to follow her, and yet so deep was my longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned me and supported my own. 我觉得自己好像被分成了两半,一方面热切地想去追赶,但另一方面我又渴望一位以其心灵真诚陪伴我并成为我的精神支柱的女人。