1. You'll see that he writes about, first, conformity. 你会发现他所写的首先是一致性。
2. Increasingly, this apparent diversity is becoming a mask for a new type of conformity. 这种明显的多样性正日益成为一种新型一致性的面具。
3. In fact, we are much more likely to notice departures from norms than conformity to them. 事实上,我们更可能注意到的是违反规范的例子,而往往忽视了遵守规范的行为。
4. He criticizes that people of his time for abandoning their own minds and their own wills for the sake of conformity and consistency. 他批评他那个时代的人们为了一致性和统一性而放弃了他们自己的思想和意志。
5. Excessive conformity is usually caused by fear of disapproval. 过分随大流通常是由于担心不被认同造成的。