1. When cold congeals water, ice is formed. 水遇冷而凝结成冰。
2. The sun has drowned in his blood which congeals… 太阳在自己的凝血之中下沉。
3. Years later, our silent as the unspeakable past, congeals into heart a tear? 多年以后,沉默的我们正如那些无法启齿的往事,会凝成心里的一滴泪吗?
4. We need to get that pizza to the diners before the mozzarella congeals back into a hard lump. 所以,我们必须在干盐奶酪凝结成块之前把比萨饼交付给食客。
5. This sight suddenly changed the course of his ideas, and congealed his enthusiasm as a breath of air congeals melted rosin. 这个景象忽然使他改变了主意,仿佛空气使溶化的树脂凝住似的,把他对音乐的热情冻结起来了。