1. But there's still a need to contextualize some of this information. 但是我们仍然需要把部分信息联系上下文考虑。
2. In addition to storing data, we must also be able to contextualize it. 除了存储数据,我们还必须能够contextualize数据(将数据置于上下文中)。
3. In order to intelligently manage user data, we have to contextualize it; and for this we use scopes. 为了智能地管理用户数据,必须将其置于上下文中。出于这个原因,我们使用作用域。
4. Lectures will also contextualize the author's style and place in the literary history of her country. 课堂授课也会带到作者的写作风格和作者在她自己国家的文学史所占的地位。
5. Someone who holds an MBA will be able to offer perspective and contextualize the information you have absorbed recently. 拥有工商管理硕士学位的人往往可以为你提供一些你所需要的最新的信息。