1. They are the backbone of the scientific and technological contingents. 他们是科技队伍的骨干力量。
2. In part, this has reflected the composition of its main contingents so far. 这部分反映了它到现在的主要的意外的构成。
3. The difficulty is that the contingents rotate, so you are always dealing with new people. 困难在于管事的人不停地在变幻,因此你总是在和新来的人打交道。
4. The EU is supposed to have two battlegroups, contingents of about 1, 500 troops ready to deploy at a few days' notice. 欧盟也已准备了两只战斗队伍,一支由1500人组成的先遣队在人们的注意几天后开始装备。
5. Small contingents of officers could be seen following behind but there were no signs of any confrontations or arrests. 警察的分遣小队能够看到后面发生了什么,但是并没有发生任何冲突和逮捕的迹象。