1. The sunlight streams in, dappling the interior in a kaleidoscope of colours. 鲜艳的蓝色和红色玻璃,阳光流淌进来,教堂里斑斑光点像一个大万花筒。
2. On the low dark ceiling of cloud at night red blotches burned and quavered, dappling and swelling and contracting, like burns that give pain. 在晚上,那低低的黝黑的云天,浮动着一些斑斑的红点,肿涨着,收缩着,好象令人痛苦的火伤;
3. Glimmers of sunlight pass through the cedars, dappling totemic statues to collective farm chiefs and partisan martyrs: it's both fascinating and oddly beautiful. 树荫中,马克斯和恩格斯的塑像正“窥视”着我们。阳光透过香柏,斑斑驳驳洒落在这些图腾:曾经的集体农庄的首领和殉道者的塑像上,散发着迷人而诡异的美。
4. The letter itself is written on a school child's lined paper, as her eyes run down the page they linger on the date, Nov. 1968 and the dappling of yellow blotches. 信是写在一张学生用的横格纸上的,她浏览着,眼睛停留在信的日期(1968年11月)和大块黄色的斑点上。
5. Spring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms and dogwood dappling with white stars the dark river swamp and far-off hills. 春天来得很早,伴随来的是几场温暖的春雨,这时粉红的桃花突然纷纷绽放,山茱萸雪白也似的繁花将河边湿地和山冈装点起来。