2. At this point, choice no longer liberates, but debilitates. It might even be said to tyrannize. 在这一点上,选择不再成为一种自由,反倒是束缚,甚至可以说成一种虐待。
3. It is an important step in combating a disease that still kills more than 700, 000 people a year and debilitates millions more. 每年因疟疾致死的人有700000人,致残的有数百万人,这个试验结果是战胜这一疾病的重大进步。
4. Recently, though, the focus has shifted towards malaria, which kills a million people a year, most of them children, and debilitates hundreds of millions more. 近来,这些焦点已经转移到疟疾上来,疟疾一年大约杀死一百万的人,其中大部分是儿童,同时还会削弱数百万人的健康。
5. This leads to increased bone fragility and risk of fracture, which disfigures and debilitates millions of middle aged and elderly people around the world, most of them women. 骨质疏松是一种以骨量减少、骨的显微结构受损、骨骼脆性增加为特征而发病于世界上数百万的中、老年群体中的疾病,尤以妇女居多。