1. These news depressed her; The bad state of her child's health demoralizes her. 这些消息使她沮丧;她的孩子的健康的情形使她沮丧。
2. It hangs over a binational marriage like a sword; it eats away at you like a cancer; it terrifies and enrages and demoralizes. 它如同一柄剑悬在跨国婚姻之上,它像癌症一样吞噬着你,它令人恐惧和怒不可遏,它令社会风气为之堕落。
3. Having hundreds of pages of steps to execute demoralizes the team members, to the point that they willingly turn off their minds and simply follow the steps. 拥有几百页要执行的步骤会挫伤团队成员的士气,直至他们关掉自己的思想,只是按部就班地执行这些步骤。