1. As much as he derides the limits of Weibo, Mr Han warns people not to expect too much from him in 2012. 尽管他嘲笑微博的局限性,韩寒提醒2012年人们不要对其寄望过高。
2. You will see that liberty not only is power and order, but that it is power and order predominant and invincible, —that it derides all other sources of strength. 你将会看到,自由不仅仅是力量和秩序,而且是占据主导地位的战无不胜的力量和秩序,它使其他一切力量源泉都相形见绌。
3. Mans' intellect derides him and he cannot conceive his own might and he therefore settles for less than who he is and seldom achieve that which he is truly capable of. 人们的理解力嘲笑他,他无法想象他自己的力量,因此他不得不接受那个不足的自己,并且很少能实现他真正能够到达的目标。