1. To search thoroughly by handling, turning over, or disarranging the contents of. 彻底搜查,仔细检查,通过搬运、翻动或弄乱来搜寻。
2. He felt that it was a change in a happy life, a life so happy that he did not dare to move for fear of disarranging something. 他感到这是他幸福生活中的一种变化,他的生活过得那么幸福,以至使他一动也不敢动,唯恐打乱了他生活中的什么。
3. I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf. 我决定以狼的方式,对一个方向作佯攻,试图使羊群出现混乱,从而找到最薄弱的一点来进攻。