1. I understand that the Lender approves a loan by disbursing it. 本人理解贷款银行通过放款的方式批准贷款。
2. The Fed is disbursing trillions of dollars and the taxpayers have a right to know who is getting it. 美联储分配了数万亿的美元而纳税人有权知道它在干什么。
3. It is also immediately disbursing part of a 71.6 billion yuan sum earmarked to aid capital spending by farmers. 它也将立即支持总数为七百一十六一元的一部分提高农民的消费能力。
4. Being downwind from a volcano is to be avoided, where ash fall is heaviest, disbursing into the atmosphere thereafter. 要避免在火山的下风口,因为此处的火山沉降物是最多的,之后还会飘进地球大气层。
5. A good system of control divides the receiving, recording, disbursing, and depositing of cash among several individuals. 一个好的控制系统应由不同的人负责收入、记录、支付和储存。