1. Such is the state of mind that natalie discerns in the car . 这就是娜塔丽在车上觉察出的一般人的心理。
2. The intellect is a cleaver; it discerns and rifts its way into the secret of things. 理智是一把利刃,它辨清方向,一路剖切直抵事物的奥秘之所在。
3. When applied to output, the regular expression discerns between relevant data and craft. 在应用到输出时,正则表达式可辨别相关数据和无关数据。
4. Cor. 2:15 but the spiritual man discerns all things, but he himself is discerned by no one. 林前二15唯有属灵的人看透万事,却没有一人看透他。
5. The mind (" I ") which discerns the three dimensional world around us, orders it by dividing it in separate objects, locating them spatially. 能感知我们周围的三维世界的心(“我”),把这个世界分为不同的物体,把它们放在空间的不同位置。