1. He divagated into the field of literature. 他离题涉及到文学领域。
2. Gan River lower reaches Stream was divagated and transited several times in history. 赣江下游河道在历史上曾发生过多次改道变迁。
3. EXAMPLE: The elderly professor's lectures often divagated into odd topics unrelated to his primary subject. 䨅 这位老教授讲课时经常跑偏到与他的主科不相关的奇怪话题上。
4. To avoid the Guiwu road being divagated, the right bank joint dam of the Jingnan WR pivotal project took some measures to shorten the joint dams length and decrease excavation. 广西京南水利枢纽右岸接头坝为避免梧昭公路改道 ,采取缩短接头坝长度、减少开挖措施 ,使基建面置于风化强烈、工程地质条件差的岩体上。