1. No one wants to turn kids into household drudges. 没有人想把孩子变成做家务的苦力。
2. That's the great empire they boast about of drudges and whipped serfs. 这就是他们所夸耀的那个苦役和被鞭打的农奴的伟大帝国。
3. Professional writers are solitary drudges who seldom see other writers. 专业的写作者是隐居的苦士,他们很少见其他作者。
4. You belong with the oxen and the drudges , in dirty surroundings among smells and stenches. 你跟牛马苦役作伴,只配住在肮脏的臭气熏天的环境里。
5. The typewriters clicking in every continent are the drudges, the pen is the aristocrat, governing all and giving the final flourish. 在世界各地嘀嗒作响的打字机只不过是奴仆而已,笔才是尊贵的主人,它统治着一切,给予最后的华丽修饰。