1. Fristly, this article introduces the developed background and key technology, educes the importance and necessarian of this article. 本文首先介绍了采砂船监测系统的开发背景以及相关技术,得出研究本课题的重要性和必要性。
2. Lastly, it educes the study conclusion of the article. 最后得出全文的研究结论。
3. Finally, the paper educes the game result of the continuous trades. 并最终得出了连续交易的博弈结果。
4. To compare with the difference between the old one and the new one educes the topic of the thesis. 通过对比新旧协议的不同之处,引出本文的论题。
5. Introduction expounds the above problems, meanwhile it also educes the topic contents of the treatise. 导论在阐述以上问题的同时,引出本文所要论述的主题内容。