1. Fourth, has not opened up new ensilage resources. 第四,没有开拓新的青贮饲料资源。
2. The parameters provide a basis on designing ensilage harvester. 其参数可作为青贮饲料收获机的设计依据。
3. Second, the ensilage is taken but the proportion of ensiling raw materials is small. 第二,青贮饲料占可青贮原料的比例小。
4. The ensilage harvester may complete to cut the crops, to cut to pieces, to throw into the feed trailer. 青贮饲料收获机可完成对青贮作物的切割、切碎,抛送至饲料挂车中。
5. The newly-prepared wheat straw ammoniated-ensilage fodder (WSAEF) synthesized advantages of the ammoniation and ensilage, as a type of silage. 研制的麦秸氨化青贮料综合了氨化与青贮的优点,呈青贮料型。